Renowned Afrogospel musician Joseph Matthew is preparing to unveil his brand new single, ‘Fear No Evil’, in the coming days. Following the immense success of his...
In response to the overwhelming demand from fans, Afrogospel powerhouse Joseph Matthew has unleashed a breathtaking live rendition of his smash hit single ‘Blessed’, accompanied by...
Ghanaian UK Based Gospel Artiste, Joseph Matthew has bagged an award with his powerful song, “Blessed” at the just ended Ghana Music Awards UK, in London....
Contemporary gospel artiste and Afro-gospel crooner, Joseph Matthew is readying his latest song, “Promise Land” for release. The novel song which is his first for...
It has become obvious now that the church in Ghana and Africa as a whole is now in tune with other forms of preaching the Gospel...
Gospel music’s advocate and artiste, Joseph Matthew has expressed his elation at the fast rising sub genre of the Gospel Music in Africa. He revealed that...
Conversations about Gospel Artistes working with their secular colleagues have sparked outrageous backlashes from many of the Christian faith but Gospel artiste, Joseph Mathew thinks otherwise....
For so long a time, the Ghanaian Gospel institute was retarded in growth in event of the international front. The standardized format for Gospel music in...
Award-winning UK-based Ghanaian afro-gospel musician, Joseph Matthew has been vindicated after the Black Stars were eliminated by Uruguay from the 2022 FIFA World Cup in...
The world cup is here once again and the quest for an African team or specifically team Ghana to win this world cup in Qatar...