Magic Rocker, a well-known Ghanaian musician based in Chicago (USA), has once more returned to the music scene with two singles early this year titled, “Talk...
Management of multifaceted upcoming musician, Charles Fanti has released a beautiful animation video for his maiden song, “Sake Of Love”. The time for visuals of the...
Gavali Music signee, Charles Fanti is up to release a new Afrobeat song dubbed “Momo”. After his smash highlife hit track, “Sake Of Love” which made...
As the saying goes, “Good stuff sells without excessiveness”, it is akin to good music. A few weeks after the release of Charles Fanti’s ” Sake...
Highlife and Afrobeat artiste, Charles Fanti is set to release his much anticipated track, “Sake Of Love,” pretty soon. The Gavali Music signee, Charles Fanti after...