Ghana’s vibrant music scene has once again been graced by the melodious tunes of highlife sensation, Korkorti Asamoah. With his latest release titled ‘Meba,’ produced by...
Omega Nen, one of the ex-members of Dunsin, has released a new song titled ‘Onyame Betuawoka’. The song features the popular Reggae Dancehall musician, Ras Kuuku....
Up and coming musician, JaKing Gh has released a new jam he dubs, “God’s Hands” (Rose Palace) to mourn his late mother. The hiphop song seeks...
Afro-gospel vanguard, Joseph Matthew has made it unto Adom FM’s Top 10 Music Chart with his newest song, “Promise Land”. Adom Top 10 Coutdown Chart, hosted...
Renowned Nigerian Gospop artiste, Chidon GPM, has teamed up with Ghanaian afro pop sensation, Special Page, to create a captivating musical masterpiece titled “Better Must Come.”...
After releasing the audio which caught the attention of many music listeners, enjoyed playtime on radio, Lord Phylo has finally released the visuals of the song....
Gucci Riddim Africa Prelude is the introduction of the Gucci Riddim Africa project which is a collaboration between Gucci Boss of First Capital Music of Jamaica...
Following on from the success of his 2020 single ‘I Have A Dream,’ Joseph and the Kohanim is back three years later with his remarkable...
Young emerging music artiste, Lord Phylo has released a fresh song he titles, “Amen”. Lord Phylo prays in for God’s favor and grace for a breakthrough...
Fadu, born Faduad Hammond, has disclosed that she wants to succeed in the music industry globally and won’t stop at anything until she achieves that dream....